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Advance Active Lightning Protection System

Lightning is one of the most naturally destructive phenomena. There is no device capable of preventing the formation of lightning, but it is possible to minimize its effects with a lightning protection system.

The lightning rod is an essential piece of the lightning protection system. It must be the point of controlled impact of a discharge, to provide the lightning current with a path to ground without damaging the protected structure.


The elements that compose an integral THE lightning protection system are as followed :

ï‚· * Air terminal (Early Streamer Emission (ESE) air terminals
ï‚· * Down conductors.
ï‚· * Lightning Strike Counter.
ï‚· * Earthing.
ï‚· * Surge protection.

ESE Air Terminals are characterized by emitting a continuous upward leader before any other object within their protection radius.

Principle & Operating

Load Control


This is the part in responsible for controlling the atmosphere gradient to avoid unnecessary system activations due to low potential differences arising from phenomena other than storms.


Energy Storage


During a storm, a strong electrical field (one thousand V/m) appears in the atmosphere. Through the capacitor system of the Advanced Lightning Arrester, it is possible to store this energy between the earth and the clouds.


Stream Emission


Once  ESE has enough energy to break the dielectric air strength, the device activates the high voltage impulse amplifier.


HighVoltage ImpulseAmplifier


Through the amplifier,  ESE emits voltage impulses using the stored energy. These impulses ionize the air appropriately and provide a better path for the lightning discharge.


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